Saturday, March 17, 2012

Hello, This is my first entry, so I am going to tell you a little about myself first, Then I will start posting about other things, Like Entertainment, Pop culture, Politics, and News of the world, or just what pisses me right the fuck off at that moment, So sit back and enjoy, hopefully you will come back to see whats on my sick twisted mind...

Lets start by me saying that I am a soon to be 45 year old gay man, and I am proud of this fact. My family still loves me for who I am, and has never tried to change the fact. I have a partner and we have been together for over 7 years now, and I love him more and more each day. We live in Chesterfield, Michigan with our Dog (Cody) and our Cat (Kyra). We have lived in our Manufactured Home (Yes, A Trailer) for almost two years, and Love it. No we are not typical Trailer Trash. 

I learned back as a kid life is not always what it seems to be. When your a kid, you just wanna be a kid, unfortunately some kids have to grow up before their time. My Father or as I call him (The Sperm donor) left when I was 5, so that left my mom to raise three kids on her own, she had to go to work, and did the best she could. When Mom went to work, my sister became my basic caregiver, and my brother became the boss, But the three of us got by as best as we could, Mom was around, but less than most mom's at that time. We did have a good childhood, we had a Mom that loved us and provided what she could afford. So sometimes going to school without a lunch or without breakfast was something that happened. We did not always get the NEW SCHOOL clothes like everyone else did, or the most up to date school supplies, but what we had, we were thankful for.

I really had to face reality at the age of 14, when we were evicted from our home on my birthday. As I remember it was over a party that my brother had, that got out of hand, Looking back, I blamed everyone for this, and thought it was the end of the world. I would be leaving my friends and the home that I had grown up in, But as I look back it was the best thing to have happen, I really don't think I would have had a chance to be who I am today, without this happening in my life, Just like when The sperm donor left, I thought it was the end of the world, and blamed myself, but it was a blessing, I know to this day that if these thing had stayed the same, Our family would not have survived!!! My brother, sister and I would have been completely different people, and no I would have still been gay.

I have never held anything back from anyone, I often will say whats on my mind, without fear of repercussions. I am who I am, and no further explanation is needed. I am a happy well adjusted person, who happens to be very passionate about his life and his beliefs. I often will say, You can mess with me as much as you want, but you mess with anyone in my family or my friends, then your asking for trouble. I also am the first to make a joke about myself before anyone has a chance, that way I take the power away from anyone who wants to bully me, This way I am in control, of the situation. Take the power away from a bully, and they just become another person.

 I have had lots of GREAT experiences in my life, I have had a fair amount of jobs also, and learned something from each and every one of them. I have worked in Bar's, Adult Bookstores, Pet stores and many other places. I have no regrets on having so many jobs. I am a jack of all trades, master of none... With having so many jobs, I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the GREATEST people in my life, some who I don't even talk to anymore or can't even remember their names, to the one that I don't only call friends, but my Family. I have taken knowledge from each job and situation and use it everyday in my life. Life experiences some of my best teachers...

I have some of the best friends that anyone could have ever asked for, some of them from Grade school, all the way up to new friends that I have met where I live and use to work. One of the best things about each and everyone of them, is who they are, they are all unique in every way possible, just like me. What a crazy, mixed up, but also amazing picture and Family we all make. Thank you to each and everyone of you, for being a part of my life, you are all so special to me...

As I said in the beginning, This Blog will be about many different things, But most importantly, it will be coming out of my crazy mixed up but all so beautiful mind of mine, So sit back and relax, and enjoy the ride, because tomorrow you will be entering into another world completely different and  unique, which is me...

Thanks and Love Hugs and kisses,

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