Wow, It has been sometime since I have posted anything on here, for this I am sorry, Please except my apology.
What has been on my mind lately is the stupid up and coming election. This will hopefully be my only post on this subject, but with me you never know...
First, In 2009 we had the worse recession since the great depression. we were losing jobs faster than anyone could wipe their asses. People were getting tossed out of their houses, because of foreclosure. We were in two wars we did not belong in, and had lost WAY too many of our young people because of it.
We are becoming an angry country as a whole, because of all the brainless morons, that we have "voted" into office... It has been nothing but a tug of war with our elected officals, and with them not being the losers, but the American people being the losers...
One party will say "the grass in green, and the sky is blue" The other party will say "No, you wait a minute, we have to vote on that, and we say, that The grass is blue and the sky is green"
In the two houses, Congress and the Senate, No matter what, They have not work together, for the people that put them there, in over 12 years, Oh but let me back track for a second... Yes one group has worked for who put them there, and they are getting richer and richer as the days go by, and the companies get richer and richer as the days go by, and not a single one of them are paying their fair share of taxes, because they have all these little pee ons, that are hired to find every single loop hole, every tiny little deduction, every way possible not to pay their fair share... And now they are buying the elections, to keep their people in office...
Yes, I am saying... YOUR VOTE DOES NOT COUNT ANYMORE in AMERICA, When, the likes of the Koch brothers, Carl Rove, and the idiot that owns the Venetian hotel in Las Vegas, have all promise and have done put million and millions and millions of dollars into campains, every election from City, State, and Federal. They are bound and determined to make sure, that they are they only ones who have a say in who get elected to office. So, If you think your vote counts, RETHINK!!!!
The only way, we as Americans will be able to finally get passed this recession and all of the problems that this country has, is to look at who we have in office... We keep electing people back into office, that have done nothing for most Americans. They will say and do what ever they can to get elected. They will kiss your baby, they may even shake your hand, but at the same time, be thinking " what a bunch of idiots, I have my own agenda, and thats what I am going to do, weather it is good for they American people or not." I have other interests that I have to watch out for, and they are the ones that will put me there...
As far as I can see it, and yes, I must have watched way too much, Fox news and MSNBC, and other news outlets, but one thing is for sure. Our elected officals are taking the country backwards and are not working for the American people, they are working for the top 1%, and big corporations. This more that evident when a company as big as GE, gets a refund on their taxes, instead of paying anything, or when a millionaire or billionaire pays less taxes as an average person does.
I for one do not want to go back to 2001-2008 or back to the 40's and the 50's. I am also not saying I am a democrat, or a republican. I will say that I have voted for both. I know under which party, my friends and family have done the best, and which my friends and family have done the worse.
We have people in American that are worried if they will be able to put food on their tables. We have people who are choosing to feed their families or pay the house note. We have seniors that have to choose to eat or pay for medication. We have mothers and fathers that are working that worry that their children may not be able to go to college. We have more worries as a country, than what politicians want to look at and work on, and try to help out the American people.
They rather worry about that woman who was rapped or in the case of incest, should they be able to have an abortion, and should we do a trans vaginal ultra sound on them. All women health concerns are now under attack in every way shape and form you can think of. WELCOME BACK TO THE DARK AGES LADIES, NOW DROP YOUR PANTIES AND GET READY TO BE MEDICALLY RAPPED, so you can not have an abortion, and by the way if you need contraception, or a mammogram, or any type of cancer screening, The government will let you know, when and if you can.
I am not for abortion, and I am for abortion. Let me say this, If you choose to have sex, and don't want anything but the sex, and not something that may come your way in 9 short months, use your brain, this is the one thing the government can not take away from you... There are way too many women out there using this as a form of birth control, and on the other side there are way too many using this as a way of not working and staying on welfare. I know I most likely pissed off a lot of anyone who will read this, but everyone has opinions, and we know the old saying about opinions, That they are like asshole, and most of them stink... This is just my opinion...
If I vote for Obama, it will not be only because of his stance on Gay marriage, there are other factors in making my mind up.
I just know, I really don't trust any of them!!!
I know i should be looking at, how much the deficit is, and I should be looking at foreign policy, and I should be looking at all of these other pieces of the big puzzle, but I just can not get it out of my head, That the rich are taking my vote away, because they have money and power, I will still vote, but knowing about what happened in Wisconsin, and how much money the rich spent there, and how it influenced the out come of the election, just scares the living FUCK out of me...
Our elected officials should be put in office, by the whole American people, and they should be held accountable by the American people.
What I mean by that is, If I screwed up at my job, I would get fired, So if they screw up and not do their jobs, then logic would have it, they should be fired also, Not given a second chance, and then a third chance, and so on, and so on, and so on. We have too many of them, that have moved in, and made it their home, and have done nothing to keep them there.
I know I have gone On and On and On about this subject, and I could go on some more. This is just my opinion and my thoughts put down on my blog. Like them\or hate them, they are mine. If you would like to share your opinion on this matter feel free to leave a comment... and as I sit here I now know that this will probably not be the last I write about this subject...
Here is to this coming November, which has the shit scared out of me now and it is only August...
So once again here is a small little look into what is on my small, sick and twisted mind, Thanks for looking in and reading, Love, Hugs and Kisses...
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