Good Morning, Good Day, Good afternoon, And Good night...
It has been a while since I have wrote anything for which I am Sorry, but really have not had much to say...
Today I have a couple of things I would like to talk about. One because I had a conversation with a friend last week about it, and it has been eating at me, and second... with something coming up, it has also been eating at me... So here we go, off to the races...
As I have stated before, I am a gay man, and have been all of my life, and Not only a gay man but a out and proud gay man that is in a loving, caring and committed relationship, this being said yet again, here we go with whats on my mind about this...
Back in the late 80's there was a little show on ABC called thirty something, this was one of the best shows on TV. It was about a group of thirty somethings and their lives. In about one of the last few years they introduced a gay character and his boyfriend. At that time the original cast had been having all kinds of sex, but when the store line for the gay couple had them going to bed, and not for sex, just being in the bed at the same time, EVERYONE went nuts, companies were pulling sponsorship's from the program, religious groups were calling for death of the show, people were outraged... Fast forward to Ellen Coming out, same thing happened. Rosie came out... Surprise same thing happened... The list could go on, but I won't bore you with that...
Today in 2012, the list of entertainers that have come out is endless, and kudos to all of them. I at one time would never had thought it would happen, but it is and it in some way is making it easier and better for the Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Transgender, and questioning community.
Now my problem is with what happened recently with an episode of GLEE. People are going all nuts, because of a kiss by the character's Kurt and Blaine. Why does this bother me so much?????? Lets think about it, the have shown the lesbian couple Santana and Brittney kiss and hug and hold hands on the show, but when it comes to Kurt and Blaine, you might just want to park and iceberg between them. Since the romance between Kurt and Blaine started two years ago, There has only been little non committal touching and mild flirting, but yet between the lesbian characters there has been a lot more. Is this a double standard, In my eyes, yes it is, but then I also think it is because in some people eyes it is okay for two women, but two men it is still taboo...
Unless we are taking about two gay men in a comedy movie or TV show, then it is all in "Good Fun", that something everyone can laugh at... So my question for everyone is, Why in 2012 is it okay for two women to hold hands, hug and kiss and be open about themselves and their relationship, but when it comes to two men, we are still only good for a comedy show or movie...
Yes there have been some movies like Philadelphia that have shown two gay men in a caring relationship, but lets not forget what that movie was REALLY all about... Shall I say it... AIDS and discrimination...
Everyone got a good laugh at the movies like The Birdcage, In and Out ( the only reason the kiss made any news was because it was Tom Selleck) ... and there was Broke back mountain, which I was not a big fan of, it never really did go that far at all... Sorry all of you that thought it was a great movie and ground breaking, but really it was not...
So, even thought we are now in the year 2012, and the gay, lesbian, bi and transgender and questioning barriers are being broke down in leaps and bounds, we still have a double standard in the world, just as racism is still around. It is okay for two women to show their affections for each other, but two guys mine as well give it up and keep in behind close doors, unless it is comedic then you can do anything you want...
So in closing on this subject for now, Why is it that we can not show two guys or two men show their affection for each other, and not have everyone get up in arms about it. Come on, it is human nature... We are the only creature put on earth, that is so judgmental... I guess that's why I am always saying, the the human being is the stupidest creature ever to have been put on earth...
Now the other thing that has been on my mind, and a lot of people are going to get on me about this, but oh well this is how I feel about the subject, and after all it is my Blog anyway...
Yes, mine is coming up really soon, and yes I will be 45... and let me say now Thank you for any and all Birthday day wishes you all will send on Facebook, and know I truly do appreciate all of them...
I don't like Birthday's, they are just another day to me. I have never had a great birthday. So yes I am a little jaded about the subject. Not saying that I don't like wishing other people Happy Birthday, I just don't believe in my own, to me it is just another day.
This year makes the 31 year of moving out of The London Townhouses on the corner of Middlebelt and Ann Arbor Trail in Westland, This year to the day of my birthday... I had to say good by to the only home I had ever known, 28928 Manchester, I had to say good by to my friends, and to the life I had only ever known. So, Yea... Happy 14 birthday Marc, now get out... Sorry a little pity party here. please don't think I am bitter about it, it turned out to be the best thing to happen to my family.
Then some years later, was told lets open our relationship and see other people. Yes once again on my Birthday... Happy Birthday!!!! Yeah Me!!!
Then lets not forget the year everyone forgot My birthday all together, and I really think that was the best year, because I didn't have to act like I cared at all, I could just be me. No acting like I was surprised, or fake how happy I was, or phony gratitude, for something I really hated...
To me the hard part of a birthday is not on the one having the birthday, it is on the people that wish to give a gift or think they need to get the birthday person a gift. What do they need, what do they want, what will look good on them, whats their size... ETC ETC ETC... and really a birthday cake or pie or cupcakes, all they really do is cause a house fire at my age...
I have always had what I want and need for my birthday... I have a GREAT guy in my life that loves me for me... Thanks Dave, I have a GREAT Mom who loves me for me... Thanks Mom, I have a GREAT brother that loves me... Thanks Guy, I have a GREAT sister who love me... Thanks Pix, I have a GREAT niece who loves me... Thank Izzy Bee, and now a GREAT nephew that will love me also... Thanks Rylan... I have a roof over my head, that is bought and paid for... I have food to eat... My utilities are paid... I have clothing to wear... I have My Kids, Cody and Kyra... and I have some of the best friends, anyone could ask for, who like me for me... So I really don't need anything... With everything above, I have all of my birthday wishes for an entire lifetime... I am so thankful for each and everyone one of these blessings, know one will ever know how much all of these blessing above mean to me...
So yes, I know it sounds like I am bitter about it, but I am not... I am just trying to get it out of my mind, and let people know, That to me birthdays are just that, to me there are just a day of the week, But to be fair, I think of Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter and any other holiday the same way. They are all just another day to me!!!!
It is not that I am ungrateful for the birthday wishes, or any birthday presents, I just don't like birthdays. Also it is not because I am getting older, because like a fine wine or a good cheese, I only get better with age...
So if I forget, I am saying it now... Thank you for any and all birthday wishes, know that I truly do appreciate all of them...
Well that is all I have going on in my sick and twisted mind right now, Thank you for looking in, and as always, Love Hugs and Kisses to each and everyone of you... Anyone who reads this, you are a true blessing...
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