Wow, It has been sometime since I have posted anything on here, for this I am sorry, Please except my apology.
What has been on my mind lately is the stupid up and coming election. This will hopefully be my only post on this subject, but with me you never know...
First, In 2009 we had the worse recession since the great depression. we were losing jobs faster than anyone could wipe their asses. People were getting tossed out of their houses, because of foreclosure. We were in two wars we did not belong in, and had lost WAY too many of our young people because of it.
We are becoming an angry country as a whole, because of all the brainless morons, that we have "voted" into office... It has been nothing but a tug of war with our elected officals, and with them not being the losers, but the American people being the losers...
One party will say "the grass in green, and the sky is blue" The other party will say "No, you wait a minute, we have to vote on that, and we say, that The grass is blue and the sky is green"
In the two houses, Congress and the Senate, No matter what, They have not work together, for the people that put them there, in over 12 years, Oh but let me back track for a second... Yes one group has worked for who put them there, and they are getting richer and richer as the days go by, and the companies get richer and richer as the days go by, and not a single one of them are paying their fair share of taxes, because they have all these little pee ons, that are hired to find every single loop hole, every tiny little deduction, every way possible not to pay their fair share... And now they are buying the elections, to keep their people in office...
Yes, I am saying... YOUR VOTE DOES NOT COUNT ANYMORE in AMERICA, When, the likes of the Koch brothers, Carl Rove, and the idiot that owns the Venetian hotel in Las Vegas, have all promise and have done put million and millions and millions of dollars into campains, every election from City, State, and Federal. They are bound and determined to make sure, that they are they only ones who have a say in who get elected to office. So, If you think your vote counts, RETHINK!!!!
The only way, we as Americans will be able to finally get passed this recession and all of the problems that this country has, is to look at who we have in office... We keep electing people back into office, that have done nothing for most Americans. They will say and do what ever they can to get elected. They will kiss your baby, they may even shake your hand, but at the same time, be thinking " what a bunch of idiots, I have my own agenda, and thats what I am going to do, weather it is good for they American people or not." I have other interests that I have to watch out for, and they are the ones that will put me there...
As far as I can see it, and yes, I must have watched way too much, Fox news and MSNBC, and other news outlets, but one thing is for sure. Our elected officals are taking the country backwards and are not working for the American people, they are working for the top 1%, and big corporations. This more that evident when a company as big as GE, gets a refund on their taxes, instead of paying anything, or when a millionaire or billionaire pays less taxes as an average person does.
I for one do not want to go back to 2001-2008 or back to the 40's and the 50's. I am also not saying I am a democrat, or a republican. I will say that I have voted for both. I know under which party, my friends and family have done the best, and which my friends and family have done the worse.
We have people in American that are worried if they will be able to put food on their tables. We have people who are choosing to feed their families or pay the house note. We have seniors that have to choose to eat or pay for medication. We have mothers and fathers that are working that worry that their children may not be able to go to college. We have more worries as a country, than what politicians want to look at and work on, and try to help out the American people.
They rather worry about that woman who was rapped or in the case of incest, should they be able to have an abortion, and should we do a trans vaginal ultra sound on them. All women health concerns are now under attack in every way shape and form you can think of. WELCOME BACK TO THE DARK AGES LADIES, NOW DROP YOUR PANTIES AND GET READY TO BE MEDICALLY RAPPED, so you can not have an abortion, and by the way if you need contraception, or a mammogram, or any type of cancer screening, The government will let you know, when and if you can.
I am not for abortion, and I am for abortion. Let me say this, If you choose to have sex, and don't want anything but the sex, and not something that may come your way in 9 short months, use your brain, this is the one thing the government can not take away from you... There are way too many women out there using this as a form of birth control, and on the other side there are way too many using this as a way of not working and staying on welfare. I know I most likely pissed off a lot of anyone who will read this, but everyone has opinions, and we know the old saying about opinions, That they are like asshole, and most of them stink... This is just my opinion...
If I vote for Obama, it will not be only because of his stance on Gay marriage, there are other factors in making my mind up.
I just know, I really don't trust any of them!!!
I know i should be looking at, how much the deficit is, and I should be looking at foreign policy, and I should be looking at all of these other pieces of the big puzzle, but I just can not get it out of my head, That the rich are taking my vote away, because they have money and power, I will still vote, but knowing about what happened in Wisconsin, and how much money the rich spent there, and how it influenced the out come of the election, just scares the living FUCK out of me...
Our elected officials should be put in office, by the whole American people, and they should be held accountable by the American people.
What I mean by that is, If I screwed up at my job, I would get fired, So if they screw up and not do their jobs, then logic would have it, they should be fired also, Not given a second chance, and then a third chance, and so on, and so on, and so on. We have too many of them, that have moved in, and made it their home, and have done nothing to keep them there.
I know I have gone On and On and On about this subject, and I could go on some more. This is just my opinion and my thoughts put down on my blog. Like them\or hate them, they are mine. If you would like to share your opinion on this matter feel free to leave a comment... and as I sit here I now know that this will probably not be the last I write about this subject...
Here is to this coming November, which has the shit scared out of me now and it is only August...
So once again here is a small little look into what is on my small, sick and twisted mind, Thanks for looking in and reading, Love, Hugs and Kisses...
My thoughts on everything from, Life, Politics,entertainment, gay life, and anything else that pops into my head...
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012
Good Morning, Good Day, Good afternoon, And Good night...
It has been a while since I have wrote anything for which I am Sorry, but really have not had much to say...
Today I have a couple of things I would like to talk about. One because I had a conversation with a friend last week about it, and it has been eating at me, and second... with something coming up, it has also been eating at me... So here we go, off to the races...
As I have stated before, I am a gay man, and have been all of my life, and Not only a gay man but a out and proud gay man that is in a loving, caring and committed relationship, this being said yet again, here we go with whats on my mind about this...
Back in the late 80's there was a little show on ABC called thirty something, this was one of the best shows on TV. It was about a group of thirty somethings and their lives. In about one of the last few years they introduced a gay character and his boyfriend. At that time the original cast had been having all kinds of sex, but when the store line for the gay couple had them going to bed, and not for sex, just being in the bed at the same time, EVERYONE went nuts, companies were pulling sponsorship's from the program, religious groups were calling for death of the show, people were outraged... Fast forward to Ellen Coming out, same thing happened. Rosie came out... Surprise same thing happened... The list could go on, but I won't bore you with that...
Today in 2012, the list of entertainers that have come out is endless, and kudos to all of them. I at one time would never had thought it would happen, but it is and it in some way is making it easier and better for the Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Transgender, and questioning community.
Now my problem is with what happened recently with an episode of GLEE. People are going all nuts, because of a kiss by the character's Kurt and Blaine. Why does this bother me so much?????? Lets think about it, the have shown the lesbian couple Santana and Brittney kiss and hug and hold hands on the show, but when it comes to Kurt and Blaine, you might just want to park and iceberg between them. Since the romance between Kurt and Blaine started two years ago, There has only been little non committal touching and mild flirting, but yet between the lesbian characters there has been a lot more. Is this a double standard, In my eyes, yes it is, but then I also think it is because in some people eyes it is okay for two women, but two men it is still taboo...
Unless we are taking about two gay men in a comedy movie or TV show, then it is all in "Good Fun", that something everyone can laugh at... So my question for everyone is, Why in 2012 is it okay for two women to hold hands, hug and kiss and be open about themselves and their relationship, but when it comes to two men, we are still only good for a comedy show or movie...
Yes there have been some movies like Philadelphia that have shown two gay men in a caring relationship, but lets not forget what that movie was REALLY all about... Shall I say it... AIDS and discrimination...
Everyone got a good laugh at the movies like The Birdcage, In and Out ( the only reason the kiss made any news was because it was Tom Selleck) ... and there was Broke back mountain, which I was not a big fan of, it never really did go that far at all... Sorry all of you that thought it was a great movie and ground breaking, but really it was not...
So, even thought we are now in the year 2012, and the gay, lesbian, bi and transgender and questioning barriers are being broke down in leaps and bounds, we still have a double standard in the world, just as racism is still around. It is okay for two women to show their affections for each other, but two guys mine as well give it up and keep in behind close doors, unless it is comedic then you can do anything you want...
So in closing on this subject for now, Why is it that we can not show two guys or two men show their affection for each other, and not have everyone get up in arms about it. Come on, it is human nature... We are the only creature put on earth, that is so judgmental... I guess that's why I am always saying, the the human being is the stupidest creature ever to have been put on earth...
Now the other thing that has been on my mind, and a lot of people are going to get on me about this, but oh well this is how I feel about the subject, and after all it is my Blog anyway...
Yes, mine is coming up really soon, and yes I will be 45... and let me say now Thank you for any and all Birthday day wishes you all will send on Facebook, and know I truly do appreciate all of them...
I don't like Birthday's, they are just another day to me. I have never had a great birthday. So yes I am a little jaded about the subject. Not saying that I don't like wishing other people Happy Birthday, I just don't believe in my own, to me it is just another day.
This year makes the 31 year of moving out of The London Townhouses on the corner of Middlebelt and Ann Arbor Trail in Westland, This year to the day of my birthday... I had to say good by to the only home I had ever known, 28928 Manchester, I had to say good by to my friends, and to the life I had only ever known. So, Yea... Happy 14 birthday Marc, now get out... Sorry a little pity party here. please don't think I am bitter about it, it turned out to be the best thing to happen to my family.
Then some years later, was told lets open our relationship and see other people. Yes once again on my Birthday... Happy Birthday!!!! Yeah Me!!!
Then lets not forget the year everyone forgot My birthday all together, and I really think that was the best year, because I didn't have to act like I cared at all, I could just be me. No acting like I was surprised, or fake how happy I was, or phony gratitude, for something I really hated...
To me the hard part of a birthday is not on the one having the birthday, it is on the people that wish to give a gift or think they need to get the birthday person a gift. What do they need, what do they want, what will look good on them, whats their size... ETC ETC ETC... and really a birthday cake or pie or cupcakes, all they really do is cause a house fire at my age...
I have always had what I want and need for my birthday... I have a GREAT guy in my life that loves me for me... Thanks Dave, I have a GREAT Mom who loves me for me... Thanks Mom, I have a GREAT brother that loves me... Thanks Guy, I have a GREAT sister who love me... Thanks Pix, I have a GREAT niece who loves me... Thank Izzy Bee, and now a GREAT nephew that will love me also... Thanks Rylan... I have a roof over my head, that is bought and paid for... I have food to eat... My utilities are paid... I have clothing to wear... I have My Kids, Cody and Kyra... and I have some of the best friends, anyone could ask for, who like me for me... So I really don't need anything... With everything above, I have all of my birthday wishes for an entire lifetime... I am so thankful for each and everyone one of these blessings, know one will ever know how much all of these blessing above mean to me...
So yes, I know it sounds like I am bitter about it, but I am not... I am just trying to get it out of my mind, and let people know, That to me birthdays are just that, to me there are just a day of the week, But to be fair, I think of Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter and any other holiday the same way. They are all just another day to me!!!!
It is not that I am ungrateful for the birthday wishes, or any birthday presents, I just don't like birthdays. Also it is not because I am getting older, because like a fine wine or a good cheese, I only get better with age...
So if I forget, I am saying it now... Thank you for any and all birthday wishes, know that I truly do appreciate all of them...
Well that is all I have going on in my sick and twisted mind right now, Thank you for looking in, and as always, Love Hugs and Kisses to each and everyone of you... Anyone who reads this, you are a true blessing...
It has been a while since I have wrote anything for which I am Sorry, but really have not had much to say...
Today I have a couple of things I would like to talk about. One because I had a conversation with a friend last week about it, and it has been eating at me, and second... with something coming up, it has also been eating at me... So here we go, off to the races...
As I have stated before, I am a gay man, and have been all of my life, and Not only a gay man but a out and proud gay man that is in a loving, caring and committed relationship, this being said yet again, here we go with whats on my mind about this...
Back in the late 80's there was a little show on ABC called thirty something, this was one of the best shows on TV. It was about a group of thirty somethings and their lives. In about one of the last few years they introduced a gay character and his boyfriend. At that time the original cast had been having all kinds of sex, but when the store line for the gay couple had them going to bed, and not for sex, just being in the bed at the same time, EVERYONE went nuts, companies were pulling sponsorship's from the program, religious groups were calling for death of the show, people were outraged... Fast forward to Ellen Coming out, same thing happened. Rosie came out... Surprise same thing happened... The list could go on, but I won't bore you with that...
Today in 2012, the list of entertainers that have come out is endless, and kudos to all of them. I at one time would never had thought it would happen, but it is and it in some way is making it easier and better for the Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Transgender, and questioning community.
Now my problem is with what happened recently with an episode of GLEE. People are going all nuts, because of a kiss by the character's Kurt and Blaine. Why does this bother me so much?????? Lets think about it, the have shown the lesbian couple Santana and Brittney kiss and hug and hold hands on the show, but when it comes to Kurt and Blaine, you might just want to park and iceberg between them. Since the romance between Kurt and Blaine started two years ago, There has only been little non committal touching and mild flirting, but yet between the lesbian characters there has been a lot more. Is this a double standard, In my eyes, yes it is, but then I also think it is because in some people eyes it is okay for two women, but two men it is still taboo...
Unless we are taking about two gay men in a comedy movie or TV show, then it is all in "Good Fun", that something everyone can laugh at... So my question for everyone is, Why in 2012 is it okay for two women to hold hands, hug and kiss and be open about themselves and their relationship, but when it comes to two men, we are still only good for a comedy show or movie...
Yes there have been some movies like Philadelphia that have shown two gay men in a caring relationship, but lets not forget what that movie was REALLY all about... Shall I say it... AIDS and discrimination...
Everyone got a good laugh at the movies like The Birdcage, In and Out ( the only reason the kiss made any news was because it was Tom Selleck) ... and there was Broke back mountain, which I was not a big fan of, it never really did go that far at all... Sorry all of you that thought it was a great movie and ground breaking, but really it was not...
So, even thought we are now in the year 2012, and the gay, lesbian, bi and transgender and questioning barriers are being broke down in leaps and bounds, we still have a double standard in the world, just as racism is still around. It is okay for two women to show their affections for each other, but two guys mine as well give it up and keep in behind close doors, unless it is comedic then you can do anything you want...
So in closing on this subject for now, Why is it that we can not show two guys or two men show their affection for each other, and not have everyone get up in arms about it. Come on, it is human nature... We are the only creature put on earth, that is so judgmental... I guess that's why I am always saying, the the human being is the stupidest creature ever to have been put on earth...
Now the other thing that has been on my mind, and a lot of people are going to get on me about this, but oh well this is how I feel about the subject, and after all it is my Blog anyway...
Yes, mine is coming up really soon, and yes I will be 45... and let me say now Thank you for any and all Birthday day wishes you all will send on Facebook, and know I truly do appreciate all of them...
I don't like Birthday's, they are just another day to me. I have never had a great birthday. So yes I am a little jaded about the subject. Not saying that I don't like wishing other people Happy Birthday, I just don't believe in my own, to me it is just another day.
This year makes the 31 year of moving out of The London Townhouses on the corner of Middlebelt and Ann Arbor Trail in Westland, This year to the day of my birthday... I had to say good by to the only home I had ever known, 28928 Manchester, I had to say good by to my friends, and to the life I had only ever known. So, Yea... Happy 14 birthday Marc, now get out... Sorry a little pity party here. please don't think I am bitter about it, it turned out to be the best thing to happen to my family.
Then some years later, was told lets open our relationship and see other people. Yes once again on my Birthday... Happy Birthday!!!! Yeah Me!!!
Then lets not forget the year everyone forgot My birthday all together, and I really think that was the best year, because I didn't have to act like I cared at all, I could just be me. No acting like I was surprised, or fake how happy I was, or phony gratitude, for something I really hated...
To me the hard part of a birthday is not on the one having the birthday, it is on the people that wish to give a gift or think they need to get the birthday person a gift. What do they need, what do they want, what will look good on them, whats their size... ETC ETC ETC... and really a birthday cake or pie or cupcakes, all they really do is cause a house fire at my age...
I have always had what I want and need for my birthday... I have a GREAT guy in my life that loves me for me... Thanks Dave, I have a GREAT Mom who loves me for me... Thanks Mom, I have a GREAT brother that loves me... Thanks Guy, I have a GREAT sister who love me... Thanks Pix, I have a GREAT niece who loves me... Thank Izzy Bee, and now a GREAT nephew that will love me also... Thanks Rylan... I have a roof over my head, that is bought and paid for... I have food to eat... My utilities are paid... I have clothing to wear... I have My Kids, Cody and Kyra... and I have some of the best friends, anyone could ask for, who like me for me... So I really don't need anything... With everything above, I have all of my birthday wishes for an entire lifetime... I am so thankful for each and everyone one of these blessings, know one will ever know how much all of these blessing above mean to me...
So yes, I know it sounds like I am bitter about it, but I am not... I am just trying to get it out of my mind, and let people know, That to me birthdays are just that, to me there are just a day of the week, But to be fair, I think of Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter and any other holiday the same way. They are all just another day to me!!!!
It is not that I am ungrateful for the birthday wishes, or any birthday presents, I just don't like birthdays. Also it is not because I am getting older, because like a fine wine or a good cheese, I only get better with age...
So if I forget, I am saying it now... Thank you for any and all birthday wishes, know that I truly do appreciate all of them...
Well that is all I have going on in my sick and twisted mind right now, Thank you for looking in, and as always, Love Hugs and Kisses to each and everyone of you... Anyone who reads this, you are a true blessing...
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Hello, It has been a little while since I have wrote anything, but today I was something on my mind, so here we go...
Memories, Good or bad, are a part of life. They help make you who you are, whether you use them to reflect or to teach or to stop a bad situation, They are there for a good or bad reason.
The reason I bring this up must be, because I have way too much time on my hands to remember things. In the past few days I have had good memories and bad, but they all have made me who I am. I have NO regrets in any choices that I have made, and these memories have helped me in the past, and now to remember that I have made my choices, and have made the best choices for me, to help me be the best I can be.
Like I have said before, Regrets are the MOTHER of all FUCK UPS, But we all have them, and we all have the choice to except them, or dwell on them.
In the past few weeks I have been doing a lot of thinking and remembering, (I know, bad combo), but I don't regret it, I have been having fun with it...
Funny how it all starts, could be from a song, a piece of clothing, a bite of some really good food, or something some one has said, but it has all been good, even the bad stuff.
Looking at my Nephew, and remembering when my niece was born, or the little girl that was out walking with her mother and Grandmother the other day, and how much she looked like Liz at that age. How much of her life I missed, but also how much I was there for. Her first word, crawling the first time, her first step, or even her standing at the fence, yelling at everyone who walked by the house "Come play with me!!!"
My mom doing every thing she could, to provide for my brother, sister and myself. My brother and all of his friends coming over and listening to music and hanging out. My sister and her friend standing up for me. Myself just being a little shit, just like all the youngest children are. Boy I could be a little shit, there you go GUY and Carol (Pix), Yes I said it...
Starting school... How a book you read back in the library, brings back GREAT memories of a REALLY great friend, who would sit there and read right beside you. A good friend who would in art class, would draw a picture that you really liked. A kid who was in every class that you had from day one to the end of fourth grade. How your friendships, changed from then to now.
A movie, that happened to be playing at the DRIVE IN you use to work at. Going by a building, where you and your cousin were in a accident, the night the Detroit Tigers won the World Series in 1984, and how you use to sneek into bars and get served. The first time you got high (Not like I ever did) LOL.
Moving from the only home, you had ever known. How you would miss your friends. How it felt the first time you went back to the old neighborhood to visit, and seeing someone else going into your old house.
Going to work at a new job, and meeting a friend from Junior high, and to find out that she was still good friends with the GREAT friend that use to read along side you in the library. Then one day, that friend comes in to see you at work, and she is has a very special bundle of joy in her arms.
Coming out of the closet, and having love and support from your family, and most of your friends. Realizing that very little has changed, except that you can now be free to be who you are, no more hidding in the shadows and making up lies.
Meeting some of the most amazing people you have ever had the pleasure to know. Your first real relationship.
I guess I could keep going, and I am sorry if I have bored you with my memory ramblings.
I have had an amazing time in my soon to be 45 years, I have experienced some of the most amazing people, place and things, and would not change any of it...
I have been reflecting and doing some remembering, some by choice, some by just seeing something or a song, or something that some one said. Could have been anything like when Whitney Houston passed away, and remembering my friend Shaun, to reading my friend Rhonda's Facebook posts, to cleaning out closets, to finding an Inkstop receipt, and hearing Missing person and Depeche Mode and remembering sitting in my friend Jim's Truck listening to them, and remembering my first date with Dave... I have had an amazing 45 years, and am so looking forward to what memories that I can have in the next 45, but do me one favor, if I make it to 65... PLEASE SHOOT ME... I REFUSE TO BE A CRANKY OLD MAN, Oh wait, I already am... Until next time, when you get a look at whats going on in my sick and twisted mind, and as always Love Hugs and kisses,
Memories, Good or bad, are a part of life. They help make you who you are, whether you use them to reflect or to teach or to stop a bad situation, They are there for a good or bad reason.
The reason I bring this up must be, because I have way too much time on my hands to remember things. In the past few days I have had good memories and bad, but they all have made me who I am. I have NO regrets in any choices that I have made, and these memories have helped me in the past, and now to remember that I have made my choices, and have made the best choices for me, to help me be the best I can be.
Like I have said before, Regrets are the MOTHER of all FUCK UPS, But we all have them, and we all have the choice to except them, or dwell on them.
In the past few weeks I have been doing a lot of thinking and remembering, (I know, bad combo), but I don't regret it, I have been having fun with it...
Funny how it all starts, could be from a song, a piece of clothing, a bite of some really good food, or something some one has said, but it has all been good, even the bad stuff.
Looking at my Nephew, and remembering when my niece was born, or the little girl that was out walking with her mother and Grandmother the other day, and how much she looked like Liz at that age. How much of her life I missed, but also how much I was there for. Her first word, crawling the first time, her first step, or even her standing at the fence, yelling at everyone who walked by the house "Come play with me!!!"
My mom doing every thing she could, to provide for my brother, sister and myself. My brother and all of his friends coming over and listening to music and hanging out. My sister and her friend standing up for me. Myself just being a little shit, just like all the youngest children are. Boy I could be a little shit, there you go GUY and Carol (Pix), Yes I said it...
Starting school... How a book you read back in the library, brings back GREAT memories of a REALLY great friend, who would sit there and read right beside you. A good friend who would in art class, would draw a picture that you really liked. A kid who was in every class that you had from day one to the end of fourth grade. How your friendships, changed from then to now.
A movie, that happened to be playing at the DRIVE IN you use to work at. Going by a building, where you and your cousin were in a accident, the night the Detroit Tigers won the World Series in 1984, and how you use to sneek into bars and get served. The first time you got high (Not like I ever did) LOL.
Moving from the only home, you had ever known. How you would miss your friends. How it felt the first time you went back to the old neighborhood to visit, and seeing someone else going into your old house.
Going to work at a new job, and meeting a friend from Junior high, and to find out that she was still good friends with the GREAT friend that use to read along side you in the library. Then one day, that friend comes in to see you at work, and she is has a very special bundle of joy in her arms.
Coming out of the closet, and having love and support from your family, and most of your friends. Realizing that very little has changed, except that you can now be free to be who you are, no more hidding in the shadows and making up lies.
Meeting some of the most amazing people you have ever had the pleasure to know. Your first real relationship.
I guess I could keep going, and I am sorry if I have bored you with my memory ramblings.
I have had an amazing time in my soon to be 45 years, I have experienced some of the most amazing people, place and things, and would not change any of it...
I have been reflecting and doing some remembering, some by choice, some by just seeing something or a song, or something that some one said. Could have been anything like when Whitney Houston passed away, and remembering my friend Shaun, to reading my friend Rhonda's Facebook posts, to cleaning out closets, to finding an Inkstop receipt, and hearing Missing person and Depeche Mode and remembering sitting in my friend Jim's Truck listening to them, and remembering my first date with Dave... I have had an amazing 45 years, and am so looking forward to what memories that I can have in the next 45, but do me one favor, if I make it to 65... PLEASE SHOOT ME... I REFUSE TO BE A CRANKY OLD MAN, Oh wait, I already am... Until next time, when you get a look at whats going on in my sick and twisted mind, and as always Love Hugs and kisses,
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Okay, Now I have to rant a bit about Gay rights and Gay Marriage!!!!
Two guys kissing at a Santorum rally, gets a boo from the crowd. Tow guys kiss on TV, the sponsors and censors tell them they can not do it. Yet when done in a comedic way, it passes. Why is it okay to do it for comedy, but not okay to do it for a dramatic scene, or out in public, when your with the one you love and your happy at the event. It is okay for a straight couple, or and I am sorry to say this but for two women it seems to be okay, but why not two men...
With all of the famous people who have come out over the years, Why is that we as a public still have a 1950's look on a Gay/ Lesbian/ Bi/ Transgender/ or questioning person.
Growing up not even 10 years old, and being called a FAG, I did not understand what that word was, so looked it up, and if you were English, and lived in England, it was a cigarette, or it was slang for Homosexual. Okay, well no one talk about shit like that back then, you would hear whispers about it, but No one ever said it out loud. Like when a family member had "Cancer" said under the breath of your Mom, or Grandmother. So I was confused, was that who I was, just because of what some kids said.
Fast Forward to the 80's, Boy George, Elton John, on down the list started to come out, and Yes by now I was starting to understand that I am gay, but yet was still feeling like there was no one else in the world like me, I must be the only one, so there must be something wrong with me, and the Fag word was being yelled at me a lot more all of the time. Was it because I like different music than every one else, what was I doing to cause this, and I better not say anything, because you'll get your ass beat because of it.
In 1987, I finally had the courage to come out, and everything was good, My sister said she always knew, and Mom said she still loved me. So score one, for being who I am, but the rest of the world would not except it.
In the 1990's, some say being gay became fashionable, Why because of shows like Will and Grace, Movies Like the Birdcage, and In and Out... All comedies about being a gay male... Boys Don't Cry, was about a Transgender Male to female, True to life story, The person ended up dead because of being who they were. Along comes at the same time Mathew Sheppard, Killed for being gay. Teen suicide is going on and most of them are gay teens. Ellen has the biggest ratings for her comedy ever, on April 7, 1997, all because she came out, Rosie comes out
2000's endless numbers of stars are coming out females keep getting jobs, and two females kissing is now not a big thing, George Michael gets caught in the mens room, Okay ha ha funny... Still very little rights to the Gay/ lesbian/ transgender/ Bi/ or Questioning community. We do start to see some states legalizing Gay rights and Gay marriage, but still a big cry for It's not Normal, It's against Gods law. Let me tell you, If it was a choice,NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE, would choose to be Gay/ Lesbian/ Bi/ Transgender/ Or questioning.
Why would you, So you can be treated like a second class citizen. No it is in our being, we are born with it, Just like the color of your skin, you are born with it, just like your sex, you are born either male or female. So why, now in the year 2012, are we still fighting over Gays right to marriage. I should be able to marry who I choose to marry. I should be able to marry the man I am in love with, and so should so many other gay people. I have the right to vote. I have to pay taxes, just like every one else. I am no different, except I am gay.
You have people out there that will poor millions and millions of dollars into a Presidential election, for the one who opposes Gay marriage. This is one of the hot buttons, once again in our elections. Yes it is a big one, because we would like to have the same right as every one else, but with everything else thats going on, Why is it the one that the republicans are all going ape shit over. Sorry Rick and Mitt, and Newt if you were on "our team" we would send you back to the other side. Rick, who can not keep facts straight. Mitt, who can not stop flip flopping like a fish out of water, and Newt, who fucks any woman except for his wife. Are the likes of who are going to decide if Gay marriage will become law.... There we have it. The gross, the bad and the one who can not keep his Dick in his pants, and I know we can get into Clinton, and so many more, but we are talking the here and now. People are also looking to President Obama, to see where he stands on this, and he is wisely keeping his mouth shut. When He is ready he will say where he stands on this issue.
I have been with my partner for over 7 years now, and I have friends that have been together for over 20, but yet we/ they are not allowed to marry. Where is the fairness in that?
I never would have thought in my life that one state, let alone 6 states now have legalized gay marriage, and I am looking forward to a day, when it might happen in the country as a whole. We should be able to marry just like every one else, as some would say, We have a right to be just as unhappy in our relationships as a straight couple does... Believe me when I say, If My partner was willing, we would run off to New York As We speak and get married, but for now, we know we love each other, and no piece of paper can make us feel any different than we do...
Until next time, See you in my sick, twisted and fucked up little mind. Love, hugs and Kisses...
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Hello, This is my first entry, so I am going to tell you a little about myself first, Then I will start posting about other things, Like Entertainment, Pop culture, Politics, and News of the world, or just what pisses me right the fuck off at that moment, So sit back and enjoy, hopefully you will come back to see whats on my sick twisted mind...
Lets start by me saying that I am a soon to be 45 year old gay man, and I am proud of this fact. My family still loves me for who I am, and has never tried to change the fact. I have a partner and we have been together for over 7 years now, and I love him more and more each day. We live in Chesterfield, Michigan with our Dog (Cody) and our Cat (Kyra). We have lived in our Manufactured Home (Yes, A Trailer) for almost two years, and Love it. No we are not typical Trailer Trash.
I learned back as a kid life is not always what it seems to be. When your a kid, you just wanna be a kid, unfortunately some kids have to grow up before their time. My Father or as I call him (The Sperm donor) left when I was 5, so that left my mom to raise three kids on her own, she had to go to work, and did the best she could. When Mom went to work, my sister became my basic caregiver, and my brother became the boss, But the three of us got by as best as we could, Mom was around, but less than most mom's at that time. We did have a good childhood, we had a Mom that loved us and provided what she could afford. So sometimes going to school without a lunch or without breakfast was something that happened. We did not always get the NEW SCHOOL clothes like everyone else did, or the most up to date school supplies, but what we had, we were thankful for.
I really had to face reality at the age of 14, when we were evicted from our home on my birthday. As I remember it was over a party that my brother had, that got out of hand, Looking back, I blamed everyone for this, and thought it was the end of the world. I would be leaving my friends and the home that I had grown up in, But as I look back it was the best thing to have happen, I really don't think I would have had a chance to be who I am today, without this happening in my life, Just like when The sperm donor left, I thought it was the end of the world, and blamed myself, but it was a blessing, I know to this day that if these thing had stayed the same, Our family would not have survived!!! My brother, sister and I would have been completely different people, and no I would have still been gay.
I have never held anything back from anyone, I often will say whats on my mind, without fear of repercussions. I am who I am, and no further explanation is needed. I am a happy well adjusted person, who happens to be very passionate about his life and his beliefs. I often will say, You can mess with me as much as you want, but you mess with anyone in my family or my friends, then your asking for trouble. I also am the first to make a joke about myself before anyone has a chance, that way I take the power away from anyone who wants to bully me, This way I am in control, of the situation. Take the power away from a bully, and they just become another person.
I have had lots of GREAT experiences in my life, I have had a fair amount of jobs also, and learned something from each and every one of them. I have worked in Bar's, Adult Bookstores, Pet stores and many other places. I have no regrets on having so many jobs. I am a jack of all trades, master of none... With having so many jobs, I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the GREATEST people in my life, some who I don't even talk to anymore or can't even remember their names, to the one that I don't only call friends, but my Family. I have taken knowledge from each job and situation and use it everyday in my life. Life experiences some of my best teachers...
I have some of the best friends that anyone could have ever asked for, some of them from Grade school, all the way up to new friends that I have met where I live and use to work. One of the best things about each and everyone of them, is who they are, they are all unique in every way possible, just like me. What a crazy, mixed up, but also amazing picture and Family we all make. Thank you to each and everyone of you, for being a part of my life, you are all so special to me...
As I said in the beginning, This Blog will be about many different things, But most importantly, it will be coming out of my crazy mixed up but all so beautiful mind of mine, So sit back and relax, and enjoy the ride, because tomorrow you will be entering into another world completely different and unique, which is me...
Thanks and Love Hugs and kisses,
Lets start by me saying that I am a soon to be 45 year old gay man, and I am proud of this fact. My family still loves me for who I am, and has never tried to change the fact. I have a partner and we have been together for over 7 years now, and I love him more and more each day. We live in Chesterfield, Michigan with our Dog (Cody) and our Cat (Kyra). We have lived in our Manufactured Home (Yes, A Trailer) for almost two years, and Love it. No we are not typical Trailer Trash.
I learned back as a kid life is not always what it seems to be. When your a kid, you just wanna be a kid, unfortunately some kids have to grow up before their time. My Father or as I call him (The Sperm donor) left when I was 5, so that left my mom to raise three kids on her own, she had to go to work, and did the best she could. When Mom went to work, my sister became my basic caregiver, and my brother became the boss, But the three of us got by as best as we could, Mom was around, but less than most mom's at that time. We did have a good childhood, we had a Mom that loved us and provided what she could afford. So sometimes going to school without a lunch or without breakfast was something that happened. We did not always get the NEW SCHOOL clothes like everyone else did, or the most up to date school supplies, but what we had, we were thankful for.
I really had to face reality at the age of 14, when we were evicted from our home on my birthday. As I remember it was over a party that my brother had, that got out of hand, Looking back, I blamed everyone for this, and thought it was the end of the world. I would be leaving my friends and the home that I had grown up in, But as I look back it was the best thing to have happen, I really don't think I would have had a chance to be who I am today, without this happening in my life, Just like when The sperm donor left, I thought it was the end of the world, and blamed myself, but it was a blessing, I know to this day that if these thing had stayed the same, Our family would not have survived!!! My brother, sister and I would have been completely different people, and no I would have still been gay.
I have never held anything back from anyone, I often will say whats on my mind, without fear of repercussions. I am who I am, and no further explanation is needed. I am a happy well adjusted person, who happens to be very passionate about his life and his beliefs. I often will say, You can mess with me as much as you want, but you mess with anyone in my family or my friends, then your asking for trouble. I also am the first to make a joke about myself before anyone has a chance, that way I take the power away from anyone who wants to bully me, This way I am in control, of the situation. Take the power away from a bully, and they just become another person.
I have had lots of GREAT experiences in my life, I have had a fair amount of jobs also, and learned something from each and every one of them. I have worked in Bar's, Adult Bookstores, Pet stores and many other places. I have no regrets on having so many jobs. I am a jack of all trades, master of none... With having so many jobs, I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the GREATEST people in my life, some who I don't even talk to anymore or can't even remember their names, to the one that I don't only call friends, but my Family. I have taken knowledge from each job and situation and use it everyday in my life. Life experiences some of my best teachers...
I have some of the best friends that anyone could have ever asked for, some of them from Grade school, all the way up to new friends that I have met where I live and use to work. One of the best things about each and everyone of them, is who they are, they are all unique in every way possible, just like me. What a crazy, mixed up, but also amazing picture and Family we all make. Thank you to each and everyone of you, for being a part of my life, you are all so special to me...
As I said in the beginning, This Blog will be about many different things, But most importantly, it will be coming out of my crazy mixed up but all so beautiful mind of mine, So sit back and relax, and enjoy the ride, because tomorrow you will be entering into another world completely different and unique, which is me...
Thanks and Love Hugs and kisses,
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